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All orders are accepted, Orders up to US$200 (two hundred) are shipped in advance of payment. When your order arrives at your home, you pay us.
For orders above US$200 (two hundred) we require payment of 60% before shipping and remaining 40% to be paid when your order arrive.
After the deposit its confirmed we will make effective arrangement in every Product or goods purchased.
Costumers have to pay the shipping cost.
We accept Paypal.
We accept Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, Major Credit Card, Money Transfer (Western Union, Moneygram, etc).
We work with two bank accounts (in Dollar and Euro) to make your transfer in the most convenient and easier way for you.
If your order will be paid via Money Transfer, we will send you all the details to your email.
If any other detail are required, it will be send to you in a private email.
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